A Americans for a Conservative Agenda
B Battleground Republicans
C Bush Family Nationwide Donors
D George W. Bush Donors
E Christian Right Donors
F CA Pro-Recall/Schwarzenegger for Governor
G Doctors & Dentists Who Donate to Republicans
H Donors to Florida's Future
I Jindal/LA Governor Donors
J Golden-Aged Republicans
K Great American Conservative Donors
L Great American Retired Military Donors
M Jewish Republican Donors
N In Defense of Marriage
O Nationwide Tax Fighters
P Nationwide Initiative & Referendum Database
Q Pataki for Governor Donors
R Republican Businessmen Who Donate
S Sandford/SC Governor Donors
T Republican Party Builders
U Fletcher/KY Governor Donors
V Rowland for Governor Donors
W Silk Stocking Republicans
X Taft for Governor Donors
Y Time & Time Again Republican Multi-Donors

Gender: Male Female Both (Mr & Mrs)

Contact No Mail No Call

Estimated 19 - 25 26 - 30 31 - 35 36 - 40
Age Range: 41 - 45 46 - 49 50 - 55 56 - 60
61 - 64 65 - 70 71 - 74 75+

Age 50+ Yes

Telephone # Present Yes

Ethnic Code Asian Hispanic Jewish

Occupation Businessman Housewife
Retired Agriculture
Military / Law Enforcement Investor