A Do not acknowledge
B Board members
C Complimentary Member
D Deceased
E *New* Endowment Donors (fy2000 forward=>)
F State Committee Members
G Non-Member, Gift Donor
H Do Not Send Card Program appeals
I Girl Scout Troops
J Educational List (attendees)
K Do not list on Honor Roll
L May 97 Telemarketing Pledge (may still be in pledge-mode)
M McGraw Hill donated gift memberships (shows no income)
N Not to be Sent Direct Mail
O Organizations
P Do not send museum publications (newsletter or magazine)
Q *New* Do not send Premiums
R Do not send renewals
S Do not send special appeals
T Do not include in telemarketing
U Undeliverable
V **New** Charter Members
W Members who've joined on the website
X No Premiums
Y Send an appeal only once a year
Z Always receives a magazine